The St John Major Bleeding Module enables the first aider to respond effectively in an emergency in treating a major bleeding
1 x 4070 Bag resealable small 100 x 180mm
1 x 4080 Bag Resealable Medium 150 x 230mm
1 x 4090 Bag resealable large 230 x 300mm
1 x 1181 Triangular Bandage 1100 x 1100mm
1 x 3080 Emergency Accident Blanket
1 x 2090 Wound Dressing No. 14
1 x 2091 Wound Dressing No. 15
2 x 5111 Saline Steritube 15ml
1 x 3010 Scissors Medical 125mm SS Sharp/Blunt
1 x 2060 Combine Dressing 100 x 200mm
1 x 2130 Non-adherent Dressing 100 x 100mm
5 x 2025 Gauze Swabs 75 x 75 x 50mm
1 x 305402L Gloves Nitrile Large